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Enhance Your Concrete With a PolyLevel® Injection

PolyLevel Concrete Leveling in Appleton & Greater WI

Do you have sinking concrete slabs in your yard or driveway? You might have tried fixing it with an inexpensive solution such as mud jacking. But while mud jacking might seem helpful at first, it has many drawbacks, from its heavy weight to the fragility of the material. If this approach has failed you, look to Everdry Waterproofing in Appleton, WI for an effective solution. We use the PolyLevel® system to straighten and level concrete slabs without the hassle. Get the details about how we can fix your sunken driveway with this innovative solution.

What Is the PolyLevel® System?

The PolyLevel® system uses an expanding polyurethane foam injection to fill gaps from soil erosion. With this system, fixing your concrete slab is a simple process that involves drilling a small hole into the damaged concrete, injecting the foam mixture into the hole, and then allowing the foam to expand and lift the concrete. Unlike mud jacking, which requires a heavier and more cumbersome material, polyurethane foam injections are lightweight and long-lasting. Once injected into the crack, the foam will expand and create a permanent support system.

How You’ll Benefit From Concrete Leveling

It’s easy to forget about your driveways and walkways when doing home improvement tasks. But investing in concrete leveling brings several benefits you don’t want to miss out on. Our customers throughout Greater Wisconsin enjoy the following advantages:

  • Cost Effectiveness: Concrete leveling is much less expensive than the alternative—total replacement. If you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on concrete replacement, consider PolyLevel®.
  • Convenience: Compared with other repair methods, concrete leveling is more convenient. With the Everdry Waterproofing team on your side, your project will be completed with no hassle to you.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Imagine the end result of concrete leveling—a pristine driveway with no cracks or sunken bits. Our team is here to help you achieve maximum curb appeal.

What Makes PolyLevel® Stand Out

The PolyLevel® system stands out among concrete leveling methods. This solution has numerous advantages over mud jacking, thanks to its lightweight yet durable nature. You won’t have to worry about your slab sinking further in the future! Here are a few more reasons why PolyLevel® stands out:

  • It’s waterproof
  • It doesn’t disrupt other slabs
  • It doesn’t leach harmful chemicals into the soil
  • It cures quickly and gets you results fast
  • It adjusts to a range of factors, from the concrete’s weight to the soil conditions

When to Use PolyLevel® Injections

Polyurethane foam injections are an excellent solution for many types of concrete repairs. They are ideal for fixing sunken concrete driveways and sidewalks, uneven pool decks, and interior concrete floors that have begun to sink. If you want to renovate a concrete surface, the PolyLevel® system is a great solution as well. This solution is often used to fill large voids or gaps under concrete slabs, creating a long-lasting, sturdy foundation. If you’re unsure whether PolyLevel® injections are right for your project, be sure to consult with the professionals at Everdry Waterproofing.

Get More Information From Everdry Waterproofing

PolyLevel® injections offer homeowners a quick and effective solution to repair sunken concrete. Unlike the traditional method of mud jacking, this approach is lighter in weight, more durable, and less invasive. The injection process is quick, efficient, and permanent, ensuring your cracked and sinking concrete is fixed for the long haul. If you’re tired of looking at the sinking slabs on your driveway or other concrete surfaces, get in touch with Everdry Waterproofing to learn more about this exciting home repair option.

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