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Count on Us To Keep Your Basement Dry

Basement Flooding in Appleton, WI

A flooded basement can happen at any time. Further, if your basement has flooded before, it can happen again. Thankfully, several solutions are available to help prevent water from entering your home. As the leading waterproofing company in Appleton, Green Bay, and the Greater Wisconsin area, Everdry Waterproofing Fox Cities provides top-notch basement flooding solutions. Most floods happen during massive rainstorms or rapid snowmelts. Regardless of the cause, you can rely on our team to be there to help. Our seasoned technicians use premium products and industry-leading techniques to deliver our long-lasting waterproofing solutions. Give us a call today to learn how we can help keep your basement dry.

Common Causes for Basement Flooding

There are several reasons why your basement floods. You’ll likely experience a flood during a rainstorm, but a leaky pipe can cause water to seep through your walls anytime. Once a flood hits, you must handle all repairs while minimizing damage. Prevention is the best measure. Here is a look at the most common causes of basement flooding:

  • Leaky Plumbing – One of the most common causes of flooded basements is leaking plumbing systems. To determine if a leak is responsible, it’s important to have a professional inspect your entire plumbing system.
  • Sewer Backup – If you have water coming from your floors, sinks, or toilets, it’s often a sign of sewage backup. Backups are often from tree roots sneaking into your line. Taking proper measures can help prevent this issue from occurring.
  • Drainage System Failures – Your home’s drainage system is responsible for diverting water away from your home’s foundation. However, issues with this system happen from time to time. We can inspect your drain tile and help identify and correct the issue. We’re confident we can help prevent this issue from happening again.
  • Insufficient Weatherproofing – Beyond leaky pipes, storms are one of the most common causes of flooded basements. We can help ensure your home is thoroughly and properly waterproofed against the worst storms.
  • Sump Pump Failure – Your sump pump protects against basement flooding. Whether caused by an electrical outage or too much rain, a sump pump failure can cause a flood. It’s vital to ensure your sump pump is up to the task.

What Damage Can Flooding Do?

Flooded basements are often more dangerous than inconvenient. Basement floods can damage your entire basement, weaken the house’s structural integrity, and spread mold throughout your home. Most homeowners are unaware of how concerning a flood can be. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common dangers from a flood:

  • Mold – Mold loves humid, damp environments. If you suspect mold, removing it as soon as possible is vital. High concentrations of mold can negatively affect your family’s health.
  • Weakened Foundation As the water seeps into your basement’s wood, tile, and cement, it can weaken the foundation. Damage to your home’s foundation can lead to slanted structures or your home collapsing under the weight.
  • Electrical Damage – Water and electricity don’t mix. A flooding basement can result in short circuits, which damage your appliances. Short circuits also increase your risk of electrical fires.

Explore Our Basement Waterproofing Solutions

Our local communities have come to rely on our unrivaled basement waterproofing services. You can trust our team to follow our tried-and-true process for each space we waterproof. We always start with a complete inspection to identify any areas of concern while planning a solution based on your needs and budget. Each of our solutions utilizes professional-grade materials and state-of-the-art techniques to ensure 100% protection. Whether you’ve poured concrete, blocks, brick, stone, red clay, tile, or slab, you can rely on our team to help. To learn more about our solutions, reach out and schedule your consultation.

Protect Your Basement Today

Coming home to a flooded basement is never a pleasant experience. If this happens to you, don’t hesitate to call the Everdry Waterproofing Fox Cities team. We offer premium basement waterproofing solutions to keep your basement cool and dry. We’re so confident in our solutions that we offer a transferable warranty on all our completed projects for the life of your home. Our team uses professional-grade equipment and industry-leading techniques while offering free, no-obligation consultations. Give us a call to schedule your free consultation today and to learn how we can help mitigate the risk factors in your basement.

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