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Trust Us to Elevate Your Basement

Basement Finishing Services in Appleton

Basements are often seen as cold, damp, and dark spaces that no one wants to enter. However, basements offer unrivaled versatility and the potential to increase the livable space in your home. It’s a great room to entertain guests, host movie nights, and more. Everdry Waterproofing Fox Cities proudly offers superior basement finishing and waterproofing services to Appleton, Green Bay, and the Greater Wisconsin. You can rely on our team of experts to work with you to create a plan that fits all your needs without going over your budget. We understand a basement remodel is more than a fresh coat of paint and always starts with unrivaled waterproofing. If you’re ready to plan your finished basement, give us a call for a free consultation today.

Why Finish Your Basement?

If you’re unsure, basement finishing is taking your unfinished basement and turning it into a usable, livable space. One of the most important aspects of any basement remodeling is waterproofing. Most remodels are finished with conventional building materials, such as drywall and wood, which aren’t known to resist or hold up against moisture, humidity, or other water issues. We often see these materials stain, warp, and grow mold. Our team always starts with our patented basement waterproofing methods to ensure your basement remains comfortable and dry. Each of our industry-leading solutions comes with a lifetime, transferrable warranty to ensure you get the most out of your space.

Explore Our Basement Finishing Services

We follow our tried-and-true process each time we start a basement finish remodeling project. Our team always performs a no-obligation-free inspection to help identify issues or concerns while developing a comprehensive waterproofing solution. Once completed, we’ll share our recommendations based on your needs and budget. Each of our waterproofing solutions uses high-quality products built to withstand moisture, are designed to be 100% effective, and can be used on poured concrete, blocks, brick, stone, red clay, tile, and slab. Here is a brief look at our three most common basement waterproofing remodeling solutions:

  • Total Excavation – This exterior waterproofing method protects your basement outside walls from cracking by utilizing an enhanced drainage system. We’ll inspect and replace all necessary footer tiles and re-seal them using waterproof materials such as tar and plastic.
  • Interior Systems – As we start any interior project, we always effectively remove hydrostatic pressure by focusing on waterproofing your basement. Focusing on the interior of your basement is the most cost-effective method that doesn’t affect any landscaping. You can rely on our team to focus on minor details to ensure a safe and effective solution.
  • Multi-Step SystemOur multi-step program is our patented strategy that seamlessly uses interior and exterior methods to offer unrivaled protection for your home, ensuring your investment is safe for years to come. When you safeguard the exterior walls from cracking and leaks, this addresses all potential ways that moisture could damage your foundation.

Basement Finishing & Remodeling FAQs

Determining how to plan your basement finishing best can be complicated. Our goal is to provide you with all the information you need to be confident and excited about your basement remodeling choice. If you have any questions after reading this or want more information, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our knowledgeable representatives are happy to answer your questions. Take a look at some of the frequently asked questions regarding our basement finishing and waterproofing services:

  • What Should I Focus on First, Waterproofing or Remodeling? – We recommend finishing your waterproofing before spending money on your remodel. It’s a more economical approach that allows you to identify concerns before building the basement of your dreams.
  • How Do I Stop Mold Growth in My Basement? – One of the best ways to stop mold growth is to invest in a comprehensive waterproofing solution. It should include an effective dehumidification system to withstand flash floods and handle pumping concerns. Next, the best thing to do is to choose mold-resistant products to finish your space.
  • What to Do if My Basement Floods? – Regardless of the amount of water, minimizing the affected area and damage is the best thing to do. Identify and stop the leak, if possible, then remove affected items out of the way and call a professional. We recommend using our multi-step system, which offers unrivaled waterproofing protection.
  • Will Repairing Cracks Waterproof My Foundation? – Unfortunately, no. Repairing a crack in your foundation and waterproofing are different solutions.
  • How Can I Determine if My Basement is Damp Due to Interior or Exterior Issues? – Determining the source of the leak requires a professional. We’ll be able to pinpoint the exact issue. However, most basement leaks are caused by exterior issues.

Schedule Your Free Inspection Today

For over 40 years, we’ve proudly offered Wisconsin families premium waterproofing solutions at competitive prices. Whether you’re looking to create the perfect place to entertain guests, store extra goods, or set up a home theater, our team of seasoned professionals will ensure your basement exceeds your expectations while remaining water-free. Our knowledgeable team has access to industry-leading techniques and high-quality products to ensure a dry basement all year round. When you choose Everdry Waterproofing Fox Cities, you get the peace of mind of knowing your basement is in good hands. If you’re ready to finish your basement remodel, give us a call. We’ll get you started with a free consultation.

Request Your Free Inspection Today!