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Someone waterproofing a home’s foundation in the Green Bay, Wisconsin area.

The foundation is the key to your home’s stability and safety. However, water seepage is a common yet often unnoticed problem that could compromise this critical structure. Learn the signs and risks of foundation water damage to help you spot the problem early, saving you from escalated issues and costlier repairs later on.

What is Basement Water Seepage?

Concrete may look solid, but it’s actually quite porous. Water seepage is when water penetrates the concrete foundation walls. Various sources, like heavy rain, poor drainage, and a high water table, all contribute to this issue. Persistent pressure and moisture intrusion caused by water seepage can lead to significant foundation damage, impacting your home’s structural stability.

Signs Your Foundation is Leaking

Keep an eye out for these signs of a leaking foundation so you can take action to prevent further damage:

  • Musty odors
  • High humidity
  • Water stains
  • Visible water pools
  • Cracked foundation walls or floors
  • Rust on stored items

How Water Seepage Damages Foundations

Water seepage compromises your foundation in several ways. It increases the hydrostatic pressure against the foundation, leading to cracks and bowing walls. In colder climates, water can freeze and expand in these cracks, worsening the damage over time.

How to Prevent a Leaking Foundation

Taking proactive steps to prevent water seepage saves you from costly repairs and helps maintain your home’s structural integrity. Here are some effective ways to safeguard your foundation:

  • Maintain gutters and downspouts: Cleaning your gutters and extending the downspouts away from the foundation are highly effective methods. Clogged or leaky gutters can lead to water pooling around your home, increasing the risk of seepage.
  • Proper landscaping and grading: The land around your home should slope away from the foundation, guiding water flow that way and reducing the risk of it seeping into the foundation.
  • Check your plumbing for leaks: Ensure that all plumbing is in good condition. Even minor leaks beneath a slab foundation can contribute to settling and other problems.
  • Inspect and repair foundation cracks: Regularly check for cracks or other signs of damage. Prompt repair can prevent water from entering and causing further deterioration.
  • Install a sump pump: A sump pump removes rising groundwater as it accumulates in the sump pit. This way, water can’t seep into the basement from below.
  • Use proven waterproofing methods: There are many ways to waterproof a basement, such as applying waterproof coatings or membranes on the interior and installing rubber sheets and weeping tiles to improve drainage on the exterior.

Schedule Foundation Leak Repair

In the end, nothing is more important than a solid, dry foundation for your home. Everdry Waterproofing has over 40 years of experience and 80,000 completed jobs under our belt, making us well-equipped to handle all your foundation waterproofing needs. Our patented, safe, and 100% effective waterproofing methods cater to all foundation types. As the largest waterproofer in the nation, we offer unbeatable value, backed by our local ownership, commitment to exceptional service, and transferable lifetime warranty. Don’t let water seepage threaten your home—call us to schedule a free inspection in the Greater Green Bay area.

Request Your Free Inspection Today!