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Let Everdry Waterproofing Fox Cities Keep Your Basement Dry

Drain Tile Under Cement Footing

Are you starting to notice cracks in your basement walls or foundation? Do you constantly struggle with a damp basement? If so, it’s time to call the professionals at Everdry Waterproofing Fox Cities for help. We offer premium basement drainage solutions to homeowners throughout Appleton, Green Bay, and Greater Wisconsin. Your home’s drain tiles help relieve water pressure affecting your basement while collecting and diverting water away from your home. Further, these tiles ensure your basement or crawl space cannot flood with groundwater. Learn more about our basement drainage solutions today!

What Are Drain Tiles?

The term drain tile is a little confusing, as drain tiles aren’t specifically tiles but a complicated system of pipes beneath your home’s foundation. These pipes collect and divert groundwater away from your home, ensuring it doesn’t seep into your basement. Drain tiles commonly take the water far away from your foundation or to a collection pit your sump pump sits into. Modern drain tiles are made of crush-resistant plastic or PVC perforated pipes that allow water into the system. There are several different types of drain tiles available. Take a closer look at the different types and what sets them apart:

  • Weeping Tile – These are porous 4-inch pipes with built-in weep holes or small slits to divert water from your home. Weeping tile pipes are installed hole-side into a trench around your home or under your basement floor. When ground water rises, it’ll flow through the holes, ensuring the water is away from your foundation.
  • Foundation Drain – Foundation drains are installed directly into your home’s foundation or basement floor. Depending on your location, you may be able to connect your foundation drains directly to your sewer system.
  • Perforated and Perimeter Drains – These are a unique type of drain tile. They’re covered in tiny holes that easily let water in, making them a highly effective basement drainage solution. It’s not uncommon to hear perimeter drains referred to as weeping tiles. The significant difference is that weeping tiles have slits on one side of the pipe, while these pipes are covered in slits.
  • French Drain – French drains resemble a traditional rock drainage ditch, but these drains are embedded into the area around your home at an angle to carry water away. They can easily be identified by the exposed end of the pipe on a downward slope.

How We Test Drain Tiles

If you’re finding water in your basement with no easily identifiable leak, call upon our team to perform a drain tile test. Taking advantage of our drain tile test can help provide insight into the state of your foundation. Our technicians can quickly determine if any elements of your drain tile aren’t functioning as intended. We follow tried and true testing methods, including opening two to three holes throughout your basement floor. This helps us check for mud, standing water, roots, or other clogs. Our team may also perform a spud test. A spud test is where a spud is inserted into the drain. Water is then flushed through the spud to help determine if water makes it to the interior drain tile through footing bleeders. It’s not always a conclusive test, but it can help identify the root cause. Once the test is completed, we’ll discuss our findings and expert recommendations.

Discover How to Spot Red Flags

When you have water or moisture issues in your basement, it’s vital to get it under control quickly. Thankfully, several obvious red flags let you know there’s an issue before it worsens. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common and significant red flags that let you know it’s time to give us a call. Be on the lookout for these signs that accompany issues with your drain tiles:

  • Moisture – If you notice wet walls, small puddles, or if your basement feels damp, that’s a sign of a potential issue with your drainage system.
  • Mold – A common sign of drainage issues is mold growth. Mold can lead to health concerns, so it’s important to call professionals at first sight.
  • Structural Warning Signs – Are the walls in your basement bowing or starting to crack? This can indicate water is getting through your drainage system and affecting your home’s foundation.
  • Strange Unusual Odors – Strange odors are commonly associated with drainage blockages. If you unexpectedly smell something strange, give us a call to perform a full inspection.

Take Advantage of Our Repair Techniques

There are several different ways your drain tiles can become clogged or damaged. Whether caused by sediment build-up, roots in your line, or the pipe collapsing, these can cause pooling water or moisture in your basement. Depending on the cause of the issue, the replacement of your entire system may be needed, but we’ll perform a thorough inspection to determine your home needs. You can rely on our expertise to provide affordable and high-quality results time and time again. The most common issues we repair include misaligned pipes, collapsed sections, or broken drain tiles. These are often identified by wet spots in the basement or around your home’s foundation.

How to Maintain Your Drain Tiles

Maintaining your drain tiles is a simple process. One of the most effective ways to keep everything flowing smoothly is to clean the tile with a pressure washer. The pressure helps clear any potential blockages while allowing you to locate leaks. We also recommend inspecting your tile drain occasionally to ensure no apparent signs of damage are present. If you’re unsure of what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to request an inspection from our team. Our technicians will thoroughly inspect your drainage system and identify any potential issues.

Explore Our Comprehensive Basement Drainage Solutions

While drain tiles are highly effective at keeping water from your basement, we believe more can be done. As our team inspects your basement, we’ll use our industry expertise to create comprehensive basement waterproofing solutions. Our patented basement waterproofing options are designed to minimize moisture while maximizing your basement space. For us, drain tiles are merely part of the entire picture. Depending on your layout, we may recommend emptying your drain tile into your sump pit so your pump can efficiently ferry the water away from your home. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll listen to your concerns and provide all necessary information to ensure your basement is cool and dry year-round.

Schedule Your Drain Tile Repair and Test Today

Whenever you notice water in your basement or crawl space after heavy rain or when the winter snow melts, it’s time to call the professionals at Everdry Waterproofing Fox Cities for help. You can rely on our team of seasoned professionals to test your drain tile and pinpoint any issues. We’ll quickly and efficiently replace or repair damaged tiles to ensure water stays out of your space. If you’re ready to ensure issues with your drain tile are a thing of the past, reach out and schedule your free inspection today.

Request Your Free Inspection Today!